An opportunity for young people

We offer graduates and students of primary, secondary and higher education a chance at self-realisation in various fields of work. We broker interesting financially valued work that creates excellent conditions for a lifelong career.

Dual education scholarship programme

We provide dual education for high school students, within which we see to their professional training by experienced professionals and additional earnings at interesting part-time jobs. After completing school, the graduate of the scholarship programme can take advantage of the offer of stable employment.  

Manager trainee

As part of the one-year trainee programme, we offer work on various projects in cooperation with real professionals, providing practical experience in the field of your dreams, and, after completion of the programme, an opportunity to obtain a permanent full-time position.

Paid internship

We arrange paid internships for students, which enable them to gain experience in the field they are studying and earn money for their studies or the start of their careers. Along with the interesting financial remuneration, there is the attractive draw of professional development by participating in interesting and unique projects, the opportunity to acquire a stable job at the end of the internship as well as discounts on company products or participation in teambuilding activities.