Complex labour market

The companies we represent work in all areas of life, including marketing, the food industry, gastronomy, agriculture, culture, sports, event management, information technology, construction, law, trade, accounting and tourism. This is how we create a diverse corporate culture together.

A region full of opportunities

We work in the successful region of Rye Island, which is known for its exceptional geographical location, natural gifts and many interesting job opportunities. We believe in the talent of the local people, and we know that their work contributes to the development of the whole community.

We create value

Talent and resolution allow us to create value. Whether this is a product, service, event or charity initiative, it is important that thanks to them we contribute to the carrying out of our common goals. Let’s set off together on a journey towards common growth.

An opportunity that leads to a result

The benefits of working together bring opportunities for both the employer and the employee. Employees gain the opportunity to find a job where they can achieve growth. Work done with joy is more productive, something that is in basic interest of the employer. Our mission is to help individuals find a job where each has the opportunity to contribute to the common success to the best of their knowledge.

DUNEA, a. s., focuses on human resources (HR) management.

Our mission is to connect people searching for work with stable and best employers in the Rye Island area. We help build a high-quality local labour market standing on the pillars of professionalism, career growth, diversity and fair offers. We provide our clients with expert advice and support throughout the entire employee life cycle, from the choice of a suitable candidate for a vacant job, through onboarding, career development and motivation of the employee, to the end of the employment relationship.

In our work, we follow strict rules when dealing with personal and sensitive data.

Spoločnosť DUNEA, a. s. sa zameriava na riadenie ľudských zdrojov (HR).

Naším poslaním je spájať ľudí hľadajúcich si prácu so stabilnými a najlepšími zamestnávateľmi so zreteľom na región Žitného ostrova. Pomáhame budovať kvalitný lokálny trh práce stojací na pilieroch profesionality, kariérneho rastu, rozmanitosti a férových ponúk. Pre našich klientov poskytujeme odborné poradenstvo a podporu počas celého životného cyklu zamestnanca, od výberu vhodného kandidáta na voľnú pozíciu, cez onboarding, kariérny rozvoj a motiváciu zamestnanca, až po ukončenie zamestnaneckého pomeru.

Pri svojej práci dodržiavame prísne pravidlá pri nakladaní s osobnými a citlivými údajmi.